For importing CSV data into a PostgreSQL database one can use the COPY
command as follows:
COPY AISInput(T, TypeOfMobile, MMSI, Latitude, Longitude, NavigationalStatus, ROT, SOG, COG, Heading, IMO, CallSign, Name, ShipType, CargoType, Width, Length, TypeOfPositionFixingDevice, Draught, Destination, ETA, DataSourceType, SizeA, SizeB, SizeC, SizeD) FROM '/home/mobilitydb/DanishAIS/aisdk_20180401.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
This import took about 3 minutes on my machine, which is an average laptop. The CSV file has 10,619,212 rows, all of which were correctly imported. For bigger datasets, one could alternative could use the program pgloader.
We clean up some of the fields in the table and create spatial points with the following command.
UPDATE AISInput SET NavigationalStatus = CASE NavigationalStatus WHEN 'Unknown value' THEN NULL END, IMO = CASE IMO WHEN 'Unknown' THEN NULL END, ShipType = CASE ShipType WHEN 'Undefined' THEN NULL END, TypeOfPositionFixingDevice = CASE TypeOfPositionFixingDevice WHEN 'Undefined' THEN NULL END, Geom = ST_SetSRID( ST_MakePoint( Longitude, Latitude ), 4326);
This took about 5 minutes on my machine. Let's visualize the spatial points on QGIS.
Clearly, there are noise points that are far away from Denmark or even outside earth. This module will not discuss a thorough data cleaning. However, we do some basic cleaning in order to be able to construct trajectories:
Filter out points that are outside the window defined by bounds point(-16.1,40.18) and point(32.88, 84.17). This window is obtained from the specifications of the projection in
Filter out the rows that have the same identifier (MMSI, T)
CREATE TABLE AISInputFiltered AS SELECT DISTINCT ON(MMSI,T) * FROM AISInput WHERE Longitude BETWEEN -16.1 and 32.88 AND Latitude BETWEEN 40.18 AND 84.17; -- Query returned successfully: 10357703 rows affected, 01:14 minutes execution time. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM AISInputFiltered; --10357703