Appendix A. MobilityDB Reference

Table of Contents

A.1. Functions and Operators for Time Types and Range Types
A.1.1. Constructor Functions
A.1.2. Casting
A.1.3. Accessor Functions
A.1.4. Modification Functions
A.1.5. Comparison Operators
A.1.6. Set Operators
A.1.7. Topological and Relative Position Operators
A.1.8. Aggregate Functions
A.2. Functions and Operators for Box Types
A.2.1. Constructor Functions
A.2.2. Casting
A.2.3. Accessor Functions
A.2.4. Modification Functions
A.2.5. Spatial Reference System Functions
A.2.6. Aggregate Functions
A.2.7. Comparison Operators
A.2.8. Set Operators
A.2.9. Topological Operators
A.2.10. Relative Position Operators
A.3. Functions and Operators for Temporal Types
A.3.1. Constructor Functions
A.3.2. Casting
A.3.3. Accessor Functions
A.3.4. Modification Functions
A.3.5. Restriction Functions
A.3.6. Comparison Operators
A.3.7. Mathematical Functions and Operators
A.3.8. Boolean Operators
A.3.9. Text Functions and Operators
A.3.10. Spatial Functions and Operators
A.3.11. Similarity Functions
A.3.12. Multidimensional Tiling
A.3.13. Aggregate Functions
A.3.14. Utility Functions
A.4. Functions and Operators for Temporal Network Points
A.4.1. Static Network Types
A.4.2. Temporal Network Points

A.1. Functions and Operators for Time Types and Range Types

A.1.1. Constructor Functions

A.1.2. Casting

A.1.3. Accessor Functions

A.1.4. Modification Functions

  • shift: Shift the time value by an interval

  • setPrecision: Round the bounds of a float range to a number of decimal places

A.1.5. Comparison Operators

  • =: Are the time values equal?

  • <>: Are the time values different?

  • <: Is the first time value less than the second one?

  • >: Is the first time value greater than the second one?

  • <=: Is the first time value less than or equal to the second one?

  • >=: Is the first time value greater than or equal to the second one?

A.1.6. Set Operators

  • +: Union of the time values

  • *: Intersection of the time values

  • -: Difference of the time values

A.1.7. Topological and Relative Position Operators

  • &&: Do the time values overlap (have instants in common)?

  • @>: Does the first time value contain the second one?

  • <@: Is the first time value contained by the second one?

  • -|-: Is the first time value adjacent to the second one?

  • <<: Is the first number or range value scritly left of the second one?

  • >>: Is the first number or range value strictly right of the second one?

  • &<: Is the first number or range value not to the right of the second one?

  • &>: Is the first number or range value not to the left of the second one?

  • -|-: Is the first number or range value adjacent to the second one?

  • <<#: Is the first time value scritly before the second one?

  • #>>: Is the first time value strictly after the second one?

  • &<#: Is the first time value not after the second one?

  • #&>: Is the first time value not before the second one?

A.1.8. Aggregate Functions